Welcome on a lightgrid members publishing page: themasterpublishing
It's not a web page of the lightgrid, but I have been a member from the very beginning and whenever I can I supported with all my heart our extraordinary red of light. As Sonja said in the announcement. This is the base book, the Ascended Masters have prepared for us - for the world to change. the next days IŽll prepare a download of the colophon, the introduction and the content. As well a presentation of the crowd-funding project, as well prices for postage and countries. If you anyway want to support and order a book now, write an Email. I will collect the book orders to prepare the first english print and delivery. Other languages: German and Spanish are still avaible. Good bless you. If you want to join the worldwide lightgrid community, ask for an invitation. We welcome you as a loving living soul to share and comment our knowledge in community. Contact us: |
Ralf A. Seger, mobil Spain +34 659 414 532 mobil Germany +49 1601446957 phone international +49 5382 9863399, you will be connected to Skype by phone Return to page: MahaJyoti Vision |